• sangot@khasistudentsunion.com
  • Jaiaw Chapel Road, Shillong - 793002

About KSU

Maitshaphrang Khlur Ka Ri

The Khasi Students' Union (KSU) established in 1978 is a brain-child of a group of students to safeguard the rights of the Khasi community through a common platform. An apolitical organization which strives towards a noble aspiration for the solidarity and unity of the Khasi people, the Khasi Students' Union plays a pivotal role for the empowerment and betterment of the Khasis in every aspect. The students from the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU) and different colleges of Meghalaya with a common objective assembled at the Khasi National Durbar Hall, Mawkhar, Shillong, deliberated, and decided to form and name the organization as the Khasi Students' Union. The Union was thus founded on the 20th March 1978, by a group of students who were patriotic and had a deep sense of responsibility and with a passion to unite the students belonging from u Khynriam, u Pnar, u Bhoi, u War, Maram, Lyngngam and Diko sub-groups who formed the Khasi community. The motto of the Union was adopted as Mait Shaphrang Khlur Ka Ri meaning Strive Forward Children of the Soil. The Union had since been led by selfless leaders who have sacrificed their lives and comfort for the service and cause of the Khasi people and the Hynniewtrep nation.

Since its inception in 1978, the Khasi Students' Union (KSU) had spread through the length and breadth of Khasi inhabited areas in Meghalaya, Assam and Mizoram. With its headquarters in Shillong, the hierarchy of the Khasi Students' Union consists of the Central Executive Council which is the apex body and numerous District Units, Circles and Units across the length and breadth of Ka Bri U Hynniewtrep and in other parts of the country.


Our History

Our History
The Khasi Students' Union (KSU) was basically formed to address academic related issues with the objective of prioritized educational facilities for the Khasi community. These issues were later designated as in-campus' issues of the Union. Lack of political will to address the social, economical, political, cultural, etc. issues plaguing the Khasi community from the various political leaders and parties alike prompted the leadership of the KSU to shoulder the responsibilities of addressing these critical issues which evokes a welcoming response from the Khasi populace...read more

Our Constitution

The Khasi Students' Union has adopted and framed its constitution on the 18th of December 1981 which was amended on the 4th of April 1993 which marks the Khasi National Awakening Day, to firmly protect the rights and freedom of the Khasi community. Members of the KSU can only be from the Khasi community, which is a conglomeration of the Khynriams, Pnars, Bhois, Wars, Marams, Lyngngams and Dikos sub-groups irrespective of religion. In its 42 years since its inception, the Union was led by selfless and dedicated leaders with widespread memberships from across the length and breadth of Khasi inhabited areas.....read more
Our Constitution


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